The new Small Biz Matters program is all about People, Policy, Purpose. It is conversational and chatty and dedicated to empowering small businesses and their advisors to engage with policy and advocacy. Why? Because what Government does very much Matters to all Small Biz. Good and bad. A labour of love, in 2014 Alexi Boyd started broadcasting to give back to the local small business community. She knew information and support was lacking. Now with over 220 podcasts, the show is sought by PR Agencies and Government departments for its rich, informative content. Media Partners include universities, the Australian Tax Office, ASBFEO, COSBOA and international fintechs. Sponsored by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s office, each week we sit down with experts, advocates, business leaders, policy makers and politicians to dive into specific areas of government policy that affects your business and clients. We’ll give you a heads up on what’s coming down the policy pipeline, find out who’s fighting in your corner and empower you with ways you can influence those decisions which affect your business every single day. The program is broadcast weekly on Tuesdays live on local community radio Triple H 100.1FM, through the Community Broadcasting network, and wherever you get your favourite podcasts.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
EP#214 ~ How does ABS’ powerful data lead to informed policy for small business?
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #214
Broadcast date: 21st November 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Bjorn Jarvis, Head of Labour Statistics at Australian Bureau of Statistics
This week on the show we welcome Bjorn Jarvis is the head of the labour statistics program at the ABS. Why are we talking to the ABS? what has this got to do with my small business? Because they are advocates for the power of high quality statistics in understanding the Australian economy and society, and in informing important decisions by businesses, households and governments. And as we know many of these policies are based on this data and as we are going to learn this week, much of this data comes from the ABS.
PEOPLE - Who influences the decisions on which data is most important and when to release the data? Is it political or is the ABS independent and driven by the economic landscape?
POLICY - How the data the ABS provides influences government policy decisions and where does it have the most influence?
PURPOSE - What's is the ABS' fundamental purpose? What is it hoping to drive with its data? How can small businesses make the most of this data?
Bjorn Jarvis is the head of the labour statistics program at the ABS. He is a prominent advocate for the power of high quality statistics in understanding the Australian economy and society, and in informing important decisions by businesses, households and governments.
Bjorn is a regular voice in public commentary and on social media highlighting important insights from ABS statistics, including the experiences of small businesses. He is also passionate about small business owners being able to get their hands on data, with lots of data available for free through the ABS website, including information on how their industries and communities are changing.
To find out more go to: https://www.abs.gov.au

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #213
Broadcast date: 14th November 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Rob Marshall, GM Community Engagement and Education at Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
Let’s dive into the world of member associations.
Bookkeepers and accountants are critical to your small business success. Assisting with compliance, getting set up and keeping all of your financial ducks lined up, and support as you grow and evolve your business. You ask them for advice not only about your numbers but staffing, human resources, cybersecurity, data, super, payroll... the list goes on.
But who supports the supporters?
The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers do... and they are a formidable organisation if you’re on the receiving end of their advocacy for members and small businesses. They work with almost every regulator and administrator in Government which deals with small business – which is all of them. ATO, FairWork, ASIC, ACCC, in constant communication with Ministers and Senators plus heavily involved with the good work of strong advocates like COSBOA.
Rob Marshall, is of their passionate Directors, taking his decades of experience as a small business owner with numerous accolades including WA Micro Business of the year, a professional bookkeeper since 1996 and an inaugural member and Fellow of ICB.
This is who supports the supporters, the army of bookkeepers looking after their small business clients.
PEOPLE - How can members of ICB (and other similar orgs) become more involved in their industry association? What sort of influence can they have?
POLICY - In a practical sense, what does an organisation like ICB do to influence government policy?
PURPOSE - What inspired each if your to take on a role in advocacy for bookkeepers? Why do you think ICB and bookkeepers are well placed to advise government on the impact of regulation on small businesses?
Rob Marshall is the GM Community Engagement and Education at Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. He’s been a small business owner in many industry since 1985, a professional bookkeeper since 1996 with numerous accolades including WA Micro Business of the year and an inaugural member and Fellow of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers since 2006. ICB is a formidable organisation, if you’re on the receiving end of their advocacy for members and small businesses. They work with almost every regulator and administrator in Government which deals with small business – which is all of them. ATO, FairWork, ASIC, ACCC, in constant communication with Ministers and Senators plus heavily involved with the good work of strong advocates like COSBOA.
To find out more go to: https://www.icb.org.au/

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #212
Broadcast date: 7th November 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: The stars of Xerocon!
EP#212 ~ Highlights from Xerocon 2023 ~ What will be the impact of AI on the Fintech industry and small business?
Back in August I was invited to attend Xerocon where I interviewed captains of industry, economists and innovative app founders to find out what they think will be the impact of AI on the Fintech Industry.
All small businesses are well on their way to a digital future and are already familiar with how integration works between their business, banking and process data. But what will AI mean? What new changes will small businesses have to adopt and who will manage these? What’s the role of advisors? What’s already under way in the Appshpere?
Small Biz Matters went on the road to find out. We interviewed:
- James Bergin, Executive General Manager - Technology Strategy & Integration at Xero
- Louise Southall, Economist at Xero
- Sabby Gill, Global CEO at Dext
- Tony Harcourt, Co-Founder at WorkGuru.io
- Trent McLaren, Strategic Advisor, Growth Consultant & Brand Ambassador at Annature
Let’s have a listen to their thoughts on AI and the future of data and integration.
PEOPLE - What will AI mean for small business owners and their data in Xero? How can advisors support small business clients in change management and AI automation?
POLICY - The quarterly Xero Insights report is influential with policy makers as it provides quality small business data into Government. How is the data gathered and how can users be confident their data is protected? Why do small businesses need to know about changes to Anti-Money-laundering
PURPOSE - What were the key takeaways from the latest Xero Small Business Insights report? What does AI mean for a large, international company like Xero’s future? What’s the future of AI to solve our “wicked problems”
So what is it? Xerocon is It's a two-day annual cloud accounting and bookkeeping conference for accountants, bookkeepers and advisors. It is designed to help delegates discover the latest technology to help them save time and grow their business, listen to keynote speakers to be recharged with fresh ideas to improve operations and working with clients and a community event of learning, inspiration and celebration.
To find out more go to: https://www.xero.com/au/events/xerocon/

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #211
Broadcast date: 31st October 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Paul Zahra, Chief Executive Officer at Australian Retailers Association
EP#211 ~ The Australian Retailers Association is celebrating 120 years - what makes a successful association last? With Paul Zahra, CEO ARA
Today we welcome Paul Zahra, the CEO of the Australian Retailers Association. It is their 120 year anniversary so we are going to talk about how they represent their 50,000 retail shopfronts throughout Australia. what makes a successful association last? As a national body, how do you balance the policy work across so many different government agencies? And importantly, what do you think will be the focus of small business policy in the next 12 months?
PEOPLE - ARA has been around for 120 years now – what makes a successful association last, through the trials and tribulations of government policy and advocacy work? As a national body, how do you balance the policy work you do across so many different government bodies (local, state, federal)
POLICY - What are the key areas of policy that the ARA focusing on at the moment? Are there some issues that occupy much more of your time and are more complex and how do you determine as the CEO where the focus areas are at any one time? What do you think will be the focus of small business policy in the next 12 months?
PURPOSE - Tell us a little bit about how you personally moved into the world of advocacy and why you’re so passionate about looking after small business retailers?
Paul Zahra is a leading figure of Australian retail having worked in the industry for 40 years including in senior executive and non-executive roles and as a company advisor. He has previously held senior leadership positions at Target, Officeworks and at David Jones where he was the CEO and Managing Director.
Paul leads the team at the Australian Retailers Association – Australia’s oldest, largest and most diverse retail body, representing a $400 billion sector that employs one in ten Australians.
To find out more go to: https://www.retail.org.au

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Welcome back to Small Biz Matters!
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #210
Broadcast date: 24th October 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Hon Bruce Bilson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
I sat down with The Hon. Bruce Bilson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman to discuss how small businesses can be more involved in policy and what ASBFEO does to support small business. In what way do they speak on behalf of the small business community represent us in Government consultations – particularly in difficult policy areas.
We discussed in what ways ASBFEO assists with dispute resolution, improving payment times, and learned about the tax concierge service the office provides to small business who are resolving problems with the ATO.
Always an interesting discussion, Bruce will be joining Small Biz Matters throughout the year to inform listeners on what advocacy work ASBFEO is conducting, and how you can be involved.
PEOPLE - Can you tell the audience a bad why you’re so passionate about small business and what you’ve done over the years to support? The reality is governments have a lot of impact on small business is through regulation. So realistically, is there anything that can be done, or any thought leadership which can improve this situation?
POLICY - In your opinion, is there a good place to start for small businesses who want to be more involved in reducing red tape?
PURPOSE - Can you tell the audience about the role of the ombudsman and how you influence policy in the federal Govt?
Bruce Billson commenced his role as Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) in March 2021. The Ombudsman is an independent advocate for small and family businesses.
Bruce brings three decades of experience, knowledge, commitment and an understanding of the issues facing small business. Bruce was the Australian Government Cabinet Minister for Small Business from 2013-2015, a founding Director of Judo Bank and has held various board appointments, including the Franchise Council of Australia, Deakin University Business School and Australian Property Institute. He has also owned and operated a number of small businesses, and knows first-hand the joys and challenges this involves.
To find out more go to: https://www.asbfeo.gov.au
Next week on the show we welcome the CEO of the Australian Retailers Association Paul Zahra live in the studio. It’s their 120 year anniversary so we’re going to talk about how they represent their 50,000 retail shopfronts throughout Australia. what makes a successful association last? As a national body, how do you balance the policy work across so many different government agencies? And importantly, what do you think will be the focus of small business policy in the next 12 months?

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Small Biz Matters – #208 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 18 May 2021
We all live, work and spend money in a global economy. E-commerce, virtual assistants, zoom calls & remote working are not new concepts. So what’s stopping you from operating your business globally?
As a small business we can struggle to see the bigger picture - scaling, growing internationally, a true global business - concepts which can seem out of reach for most of us. But what if this was a real possibility? What if there were government supports in place to help you? You just need the right advice and then you’re ready for global growth.
Trena Blair from FD Global Connections, is an expert in transitioning businesses of all sizes into having a global presence. She’s going to explain the logistics, the pitfalls involved with setting up globally and some strategies to ensure that you’re prepared and NOT attempting this monumental change to your business all by yourself.
Welcome to the show Trena.
Topics we’ll be covering:
- Under what typical circumstances would you consider setting up an office overseas?
- Examples of small businesses who have done just that?
- Expanding on opportunities you may not have here in Australia
- Is there a particular type of small business or sector of the economy which do this better?
- What’s involved in setting up and launching a business in US in particular
- Visas
- Office space
- Restrictions about being an overseas based business?
- Cultural differences?
- Are there restrictions from the Australian side? ATO?
- What about a non-physical presence? Who can you utilise to help you?
- Interim sales professionals and tapping into that process?
- How are they paid - Retainer
- What are some of the pitfalls to setting up a presence overseas?
- Growing too fast
- Typical mistakes you see
- Growing a network
- Webinar - scaling during turbulent times
- Which industries at the moment are seeing growth in global market
To find out more go to their website: https://www.fdglobal.com.au
Forbes 2018: "Trena Blair is an expert in expanding businesses from Australia into the U.S., with New York as the entry point."
Trena is a global citizen, having lived and worked in Australia and the United States of America (New York) during the course of her 20+ year international executive career. During her career, she managed global regions including Asia Pacific and the America’s.
Trena has extensive expertise in working with organisations in establishing holistic sustainable business models and served for 7 years as a Business Excellence Evaluator for Business Excellence Australia. This led to her passion of working with Australian companies to prepare them for, and launch, in the USA, specialising in New York.
In addition to her executive responsibilities which included working at a Telco startup, Trena has founded 2 startup's, including an Italian luxury import/wholesale business. In 2014, Trena founded and is CEO of FD Global Connections which works with Australian companies to prepare for and launch their business in the USA, and also USA companies launching in Australia.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Small Biz Matters – #207 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 11 May 2021
You couldn’t get more topical than this at the moment. Equality, fairness and equity in the workplace. Our country’s leaders have failed so can the small business community become the leaders in this space and embrace a new philosophy around fair and equitable discussions?
The reality is many small businesses don’t even know what their obligations are, let alone how to be equitable, fair and equal when engaging with others. Today’s guest might just be able to help us with this. I found her social media presence to be refreshing at a time when I felt only disappointment and dissolution in the way our country was being run. Her thought provoking posts led me to invite her on Small Biz Matters to help us tackle this important topic.
Cathy is passionate about equity and equality in the speaker space, and was disappointed to find that the traditional speaker agency and bureaus tended to only feature celebrities and professional speakers; the same perspectives but repackaged differently. So she founded Keynoteworthy which aims to see diversity and inclusion on stage, and she joins us today to share her own small business journey and help us to see things differently, or rather, equitably.
- What does it really mean to be to be fair and equitable?
- Why did you decide to become self-employed and start your own business, Keynoteworthy?
- There is a lot of talk about diversity, equity and inclusion. What does it mean? Is it all just corporate-speak?
- Pronouns, how to understand them and what meaning they hold for individuals?
- Why should small businesses think about diversity, equity and inclusion in their business?
- Is it a must as part of your duty of care to your staff?
- What about the speaker’s circuit, and choosing those who speak for your branding?
To find out more go to their website: https://keynoteworthy.com.au/
About our Guest:
Cathy Ngo (pronounced norr) is an entrepreneur, writer, presenter, speaker and who thrives at the intersection of tech, comedy and activism. She’s the founder of Keynoteworthy, a challenger speaker agency and social enterprise focused on bringing diversity and inclusion.
Cathy has a degree in Business, majoring in Human Resources because she didn’t want to be an accountant, lawyer or doctor. Much to her parent's dismay, they still don’t know what she does for a living.
She’s spent more than ten years climbing and playing ‘snakes and ladders’ in Australia’s top listed companies before hitting the ‘bamboo ceiling’ several times (it’s like the glass ceiling but thicker). Entrepreneurship has always been in Cathy’s blood from a young age.
Outside of work, she dabbles in stand-up comedy at random covid-safe bars and restaurants and mainly jokes about being positively discriminated against for being Asian-Australian. She is also an obsessive indoor plant collector and has a hard time trying to keep them alive.
About Keynoteworthy
Keynoteworthy solves the problems that events and conference organisers have in finding and booking speakers that reflect the diversity of gender, sexualities, ethnicity and ultimately, perspectives and ideas that event-goers and sponsors are increasingly looking for.

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Small Biz Matters – #206 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 4 May 2021
That’s where the brick walls start to pop up.
In the last 12 months things have changed; lending criteria, requirements for financial fitness, what the banks are looking for and looking at have evolved. The goalposts have shifted. So who can you turn to, to untangle the maze?
Today we welcome David Gandolfo, Chair of Advocacy at CAFBA Commercial and Asset FInance Brokers Association of Australia to explain what you need to know in regards to changes over the past 12 months, what to expect now in small business lending, and what to do to access funds more efficiently.
- Tell us about CAFBA as a professional association and what you do for your members and the small business community as a whole?
- In your experience How has covid impacted business borrowing over the past 12 months?
- The evolution of small business lending - credit crunch, second tier lending
- The loan deferral scheme & other options
- What can business borrowers do to manage their funding requirements and get better outcomes?
- Tactical tips on preparing your business for accessing funding
- Financials & interims up to date
- Identifiers in place to prove you are who you say you are
- Why is ATO tax debt such an issue?
- Are you up to date with ATO & reporting or not?
- Why is having a loan with the ATO a problem when borrowing?
- What are banks looking at - bank accounts, tax portals, spending patterns, benchmarks for your industry
- How do you see things going forward?
- What’s going to change in the next 12 months for small business’ lending - will there be improvements to lending criteria for small business?
To find out more go to their website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-gandolfo-86736116/
About our Guest:
Director of Quantum Business Finance, which arranges Equipment Finance (Lease, Hire Purchase and Chattel Mortgage). Our clients range from small and medium sized businesses through to ASX200 companies and Government authorities, and we assist them to acquire the necessary plant, machinery, motor vehicles, computers etc that are used to run their businesses. Quantum is a broker with a panel of over 25 commercial lenders, from whom we source the best outcome for the customer, and then arrange the approval and documentation through to settlement. Broking firms like Quantum are known for their long-term personal relationship with each customer, which allows us to have "line of sight" and a first-hand understanding of each customer's needs. We are a highly capable business that assists other capable businesses. See www.quantumbusiness.com.au
Board Patron and Past President of Commercial & Asset Finance Brokers Association of Australia (CAFBA), which is the peak national body of both commercial and equipment finance brokers in Australia. CAFBA is a self-regulating body which enforces stringent education, probity and procedural standards on its members, and advocates for its members and their clients through high-level engagement with regulators and legislators. CAFBA strives for industry excellence through education and scholarship programs, and is heavily engaged with regulators to make the clear distinctions between the very different needs between consumer and commercial borrowers.. See www.cafba.com.au
Advisor and Former Deputy Chair of the Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA), which is the country’s peak body exclusively representing the interests of SME businesses. COSBOA has a proud history of strong advocacy on small business issues ranging from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy. COSBOA is an association made up of associations whose members are small and privately owned businesses. (e.g. The Pharmacy Guild, Master Grocers, etc) and we are the collective voice exclusively representing the interests of small businesses through policy change and regulatory reform at all levels of Government. see www.cosboa.org.au

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Small Biz Matters – #205 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 27 April 2021
Small business can be an incredible ride: exhilarating, rewarding, fulfilling, exhausting, challenging, and sometimes depressing. How do you ride the highs and lows without completely burning out? And as a small business owner where can you find the strategies and support you need, particularly when you’re going through those tough times?
In today’s Small Biz Matters show we’re joined by Tim Hoopmann, Beyond Blue Speaker, who is going to share where you can get help and what to do if you’re in a position to help other small business owners. NewAccess is a free and confidential mental health program developed by Beyond Blue. Over six sessions, coaches with a small business background will work with you to overcome difficult issues, providing you with practical skills to manage stress and get you back to feeling like yourself.
There are some great resources produced by the team at Beyond Blue and Tim, our regular guest on mental health for small business will share his own experiences and how he’s supported others.
- What is New Access for small business owners?
- What can you expect from the programme as a small business person?
- Why has it been set up specifically for small business owners?
- How long has it been available?
To find out more go to their website: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/newaccess/newaccess-for-small-business-owners
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s My Business Health web portal - https://www.asbfeo.gov.au/my-business-health/home
Everymind’s Ahead for Business digital hub - https://www.aheadforbusiness.org.au
The Support yourself and small businesses: A learning course for business advisers developed by
Beyond Blue and Xero - https://www.headsup.org.au/training-and-resources/educational-and-training/beyondblue-resources/small-business-advisers
About our Guest:
Tim Hoopmann has owned and operated a bookkeeping practice specialising in cloud services for over 10 years. He transformed his business from a desktop and paper based practice to a cloud bookkeeping practice, 100% online and paperless with streamlined and automated processes.
Tim utilised technology to change the way he serviced his customers by moving them online and streamlining their bookkeeping and finance. Showing them how to take back control and sit in the drivers seat of their business thus allowing them the freedom to focus on key revenue generating areas of their business instead of being buried in day to day processes.
Tim is passionate about helping businesses make the transition to being fully automated and cloud based though enabling the power of todays technology. This will allow for greater freedom and the ability to enjoy a powerful work/life balance.
Tim is a speaker for beyondblue helping to increase the community’s understanding about mental health. He knows the importance of mentally healthy workplaces and shares his experience in how to create an environment that values mental health.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Small Biz Matters – #204 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 20 April 2021
As councils and governments try to balance the needs of the environment, accessibility, urban infrastructure and private developments, small business can often be left to last in the consultation process.
But if you’ve ever attended any kind of small business key stakeholders consultation group, a new networking event or even headed to a new venue in an unfamiliar area, you’ll learn that a key issue for small business is parking - and it’s not just about retailers.
So how does government, enterprise, and small business find the right balance in this important issue that can affect a small business’ livelihood - and make it fair? Well, funnily enough there’s an app for that.
Michael Doherty, Head of Business Development for Smarter City Solutions joins us to explain that with good research by government departments, a fair consultation process and an enterprising tech solution the balance can be found which supports small business and the entire community in which we operate.
- So why is parking so important to small businesses, particularly retailers?
- It’s all about foot traffic and customer turnover
- It’s not just about the high street or CBD
- g. city of Sydney are trying to remove parking for competing reasons
- Whose responsibility is it to communicate to small business customers
- It’s important this is transparent and clear
- How does technology support reducing traffic commuting issues?
- Adoption of electric & driverless
- Disabled parking
- Selling with Government - what has your experience been of the procurement process
- What top tips would you offer for those interested in selling to government
- Govts not doing their research to find out the different options in the private sector
- Is the solution a multi-app approach - where does that happen elsewhere?
- Which city is the gold standard?
To find out more go to their website: https://smartercity.com.au/
About our Guest:
Michael Doherty - Head of Business Development for Smarter City Solutions
Michael Doherty has been at the forefront of parking technology for close to a decade, having worked with many of the businesses behind Australia’s leading parking and payment apps and cloud-based permit and compliance technologies. As Head of Business Development for Smarter City Solutions, he oversees the sales and marketing of unique integrated parking solutions for local councils, universities and corporate clients all over Australia.
Michael was the first employee at Smarter City Solutions when it launched as CellOPark in 2013. He returned to the company in 2020 after several years at parking availability app UbiPark, as well as SenSen Networks, one of the world’s leading AI solutions providers for smart cities and enterprises.
Multi-disciplined with a solid, 25-year strong track record in information technology, Michael embraces disruptive technology and looks forward to a future where parking permit stickers and coin-fed meters are a thing of the past.